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Trailer per Soulframe Preludes: Fey Pact

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Digital Extremes ha pubblicato un nuovo trailer di gameplay per la versione pre-alpha (“Preludes”) dell’RPG massively multiplayer online ibrido d’azione free-to-play Soulframe.

Pubblicità - Big savings on official Steam games

Il trailer è accompagnato dalla seguente narrazione poetica:

Dove ‘yond the veil did I chance to see you,

Where ‘yond the veil did I chance to see you,

A little minnow in the claire.
A foundling here of mother’s sorrow,
Conveyed to me by beaver, by sparrow!

Blighted yes, or so they say,
More righted, though, in Feyish-way.

Come gather motes of living word,
…Come gather arms ‘gainst Ode’n herd

And join our family beyond yer blood,
For blight is child of everyone!

…even Bears…

Join us, won’t you?

Le piattaforme e la data di uscita di Soulframe non sono ancora state annunciate.

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