In Ghost of Tsushima, Jin Sakai never strikes a foe in the back and always fights honorably. This means you will fight foes head-on, striking steel with steel like an honorable samurai. While maintaining focus on a target is convenient when battling a single enemy, things can get complicated when many foes surround you..
The lock-on feature can help you pick a target and effectively unleash deadly swings of Sakai Katana and Tanto. This could improve your combat strength and help you eliminate heavy targets first. This guide explains all lock-on options and how to toggle them in the game.
How To Lock On To Enemies
The lock on to a target setting is turned off by default. You can toggle the settings anytime by pressing the pause button and going into the Gameplay settings.
After that, scroll down to the “Target Lock” option, found right above the “Reset Training Tips”
You will find three settings in this option:
Target Lock Off Target Lock On Swap On Defeat
Each setting drastically changes how you approach combat. Some players may find the lock on a focused playstyle, while others may get frustrated by being attacked by enemies other than the lock on one.
Target Lock Off
The default method of combat is to engage without any lock-on mechanic. This means that every time you strike, Jin will swing the sword in the direction he is facing.
If an enemy is approaching you on the left side, change Jin Sakai’s direction first using the controls and then strike.
For a samurai game where swordsmen always swarm you, and Jin Sakai can take a swing from any direction, the
“Target Lock Off” option gives the combat a natural feel.
You can switch directions on the fly and press the strike button to hit your target easily.
Target Lock On Setting
Toggling the “Target Lock On” setting will show the inputs to lock on to a target at the right side of the screen.
If you are on a controller, pressing the up button on the d-pad will allow Jin Sakai to lock on to an enemy. Visually, you will find a red pointer over an enemy, indicating that Jin is locked onto this target.
Flicking the right stick on the controller will manually swap between the available targets.
Swap On Defeat Setting
The final option essentially works the same as “Target Lock On,” except for the manual target switching. If you select this option, the game will automatically switch to the next target whenever you defeat the first locked-on enemy.
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Absolutegamer è un gruppo di nerd vecchia scuola, progressisti, appassionati di gaming, meglio se indie, saltuariamente retro ma senza essere snob verso l’ultima versione di Unreal Engine, con un atteggiamento no bullshit e con una certa predisposizione all’attivismo. Hanno generalmente un umorismo discutibile ma se volevano piacere a tutti nascevano patate fritte.
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