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Interlude è un ambizioso dungeon crawler che si ispira a The Hex

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There are plenty of dungeon crawlers out there. But one thing you can’t find in a Diablo 4, Path of Exile, or Lost Ark is a new game within each room you enter when exploring their sprawling, enemy-filled mazes. This, however, is the premise of an extremely ambitious indie project called Interlude, which describes itself as a dungeon crawler where every room the player enters segues into an entirely new type of game, with its own unique style of play and map to explore.

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Interlude is an indie game that, like Daniel Mullins’ The Hex, mixes genres in a wildly inventive manner. Its Steam page describes how it will task players with exploring a dungeon where each new room, once unlocked, leads into a new world. These worlds might be tiny or enormous and are designed in the style of various game genres ranging from retro style platformers and isometric action RPG games to different styles of FPS games resembling Call of Duty or Doom.

Interlude Project, the game’s creator, has outlined even more features that will be included, such as, notably, an asynchronous co-op system that will see players working in teams to explore the game’s vast dungeon and make their way toward the mysterious treasure at its center.

Interlude doesn’t have a launch date just yet, but it will be free and iterated upon in Early Access when it does come out. It’s also taking sign-ups for an upcoming play test, which you can check out on Steam right here.

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